Answered By: Librarians@ Inova Health Sciences Library
Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024Views: 434
Current team members have full access to our databases, ebooks, and ejournals while off campus, in any part of the world, as long as there is Internet access.
Once you begin accessing ebooks, journals, databases, or other resources, you may be prompted to log in via OpenAthens. Doing this will grant you remote access. Log in with your full Inova email address & current network password. If you don't have an Inova email address (example:, please contact the library by completing this form.
If you have an access issue, first make sure you are accessing the database through an Inova library related website such as the Database A-Z list, library catalog, or Ovid Discovery. Do not go directly to the website of the database - you must go through Inova so that the database vendor recognizes you as a subscriber. Otherwise, it will request payment for access.
If this does not resolve the issue, contact the library by email, phone 703-776-3234, or text 703-436-6322. Please include as many details as possible (i.e. the text of any error message, how you’re accessing the resource, if you were prompted to log in, the full citation of any articles concerned, etc.) to help us fix the problem.
*If you do not have an OpenAthens login, you can register for one here, using your Inova email address.